Steel-Fabricators & Shelving
Services include rotary grinding, reciprocal surface grinding, milling, and straightening of bar stock and plate steel up to 90" wide on material up to 4" thick. Capable of grinding tool steel, carbon steel, coil steel, die parallels (risers), bolsters (including re-works), machine bases, aluminum, stainless steel, table tops, weldments and alloy steels.
Midbrook Products is a specialized fabriction shop that provides sheet metal fabrication services throughout Michigan and surrounding states. In addition to its job shop sheet metal fabrication division (Midbrook Fabrication), Midbrook has other divisions that manufacture specific product lines. The (Michigan Built) industrial washer division manufacturer's industrial parts cleaning systems for other manufacturing companies to clean and dry the parts they produce. The Cap Snap Equipment division, with a worldwide customer base, serves the 5-gallon HOD (home, office, delivery) returnable water bottle industry. CapSnap Equipment manufactures the equipment to decap, leak test, pre-wash, wash, disinfect, sanitize, re-fill, and recap these 5-gallong bottles.